Sculpture of Patty
Pictures of a sculpture
of Patty done by Jamie Lester as part of the Appalachian Musician series.
For more information about the sculpture, Jamie can be reached by phone in Morgantown by calling: 304-594-3344. Or, he can be contacted by e-mail

For more information about the sculpture, Jamie can be reached by phone in Morgantown by calling: 304-594-3344. Or, he can be contacted by e-mail

Happy Birthday Patty!
Happy Birthday Patty!
Patty's friends held a winter jam in Fairmont in honor of Patty's 80th birthday. It was a wonderful event, attended by many dulcimer players, lovers of old time music and friends of Patty Looman.
Patty's friends held a winter jam in Fairmont in honor of Patty's 80th birthday. It was a wonderful event, attended by many dulcimer players, lovers of old time music and friends of Patty Looman.